Business&Law » CEE Region

Patronage over Polish Forum of Arbitration!

We are happy to inform you that Business&Law continues cooperation with The European Centre of Arbitration (see previous post: This time Business&Law took media patronage (supporting blog position) over Polish Forum of Arbitration. The Organizer of the event – European Centre of Arbitration ( – is an independent, apolitical nonprofit social organization, leading in educational, informational and academic activities in the field of arbitration. We cordially invite to take part in the Polish Forum […]   read more

Business&law news!

Adam Pasierbek & Mikołaj Firlej about Business&Law news! Is your bank using XP? – On April 8th, Microsoft is set to cease providing support for the Windows XP software. While this move may have little impact on the individual users, a more curious problem relates to the XP’s importance for the financial infrastructure. Most notably, around 95% of the ATMs in the World run an appropriated version of XP, which means that their operators will either […]   read more

Interested in buying or investing in real property in Poland? Follow us on Business&Law. Jędrzej Górski explains how the real estate market in Poland works.

ENVIROMENTAL ISSUES IN INVESTMENT PROCESS – Part 5 of 5 Environmental impact assessment (“EIA”) includes the procedures described in this Section 3, all aimed at ensuring that the environmental impact of planned projects is taken into account before they are constructed. These procedures constitute a transposition into the Polish legal system of the EIA Directive on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, introduced in 1985 (Council Directive […]   read more

The Banking Union is at the Gates

Anyone with a general interest in European affairs must surely be aware that since the recent crisis the EU, like most major governments around the World, took keenly to regulating its financial system. Not everyone, though, is aware that its regulatory framework is taking shape just as those words are being typed.   Let us start with a bit of history. In 2009 (which now feels like a decade ago), a group of experts under […]   read more

OECD Economic Survey of Poland – reforms are needed

Poland’s economic performance has been impressive over the past 15 years, but further reforms are now needed to put the economy firmly back on track for stronger and sustainable growth, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Survey of Poland. The Survey, presented today in Warsaw by OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría and Poland’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Janusz Piechociński, highlights the need for measures to make the labour market work better, strengthen product market competition, overcome strong demographic headwinds […]   read more

What can the Ukrainian crisis mean for our economic future?

As I am writing this article, Russian grip tightens around the Crimea, and the political future of the entire Ukraine is far from certain. While not wanting to appear overly cynical, we find it worthwhile to pose a simple question: what does the Ukrainian crisis mean for Poland economically?   It seems reasonable to consider the possible impact of the crisis through three key dimensions: how much longer will it take to resolve, how destabilising […]   read more

Patronage over The Polish and CEE Private Equity Conference

We are happy to inform you that Business & Law took media patronage over Polish and CEE Private Equity Conference. This year’s Polish and CEE Private Equity Conference is building on the previous years’ successes in Copenhagen, Denmark and Zurich, Switzerland. The Polish and CEE Private Equity Conference is a conference dedicated to top CEOs, LPs, Managing Partners, Private Equity Executives, and Investors who are eager to share the expertise and knowledge they have obtained […]   read more

Mergers and Acquisitions in Poland (and Europe) in 2013 – will 2014 be better?

As I mentioned in the previous note (See: Mergers and Acquisitions in Poland (2008-2012) I am going to sum up the transactions that occurred in Poland and generally in Europe in 2013. Although there is no specific data as of yet, I would like to try to compile a list of the largest M&A deals that happened in Poland and broader Europe in 2013. Collecting data for this note was possible and based upon the […]   read more

Revisiting China – 10 Thoughts

I had the pleasure of participating recently as a panelist in the Bits 1st Frontier Industrial Forum in Qingdao, China where I spoke about the Polish legal framework for shale gas operations and the lessons that other countries looking to develop their shale gas law could learn from Poland.   Here are my loose – subjective – thoughts from my visit to China.   “He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who […]   read more

It’s here! The draft of the new shale gas regulations in Poland has been finally announced.

The Ministry of Environment has published the draft of the amendments to the Geological and Mining Law in Poland and is now accepting comments and opinions. The public consultation period will run up to March 18th, and Business&Law editors will participate by providing their insights. The Government decided to amend the existing law. It did not decide – as it was announced before – to specifically regulate the shale gas industry in a separate new […]   read more